Invite National Band in School Anniversary

0 komentar Selasa, 19 Februari 2013 - Edit entry?

Annaversary is a something that’s important for us. Becuse it is something which can make us in order to always remember day we are born. So, we didn’t amazed if anniversary always celebrated with special celebration. Included anniversary of school. Most of school always celebrate with competitions and invite band.
On the positive side, with invite band especially national band it will make many people interested to watch it from many location. They will know our school more near and specific. Automatically, it can make our school more popular and it also can increase amount of a new student who want to study in our school.Beside that, our school will not marked as a school which is still stay behind than other school.
Then, many audience very benefit for our school. We can get many income from ticket, if we invite the big

Novel Review : Laskar Pelangi

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      “Laskar Pelangi” is written by Andrea Hirata with 534 thick book that contains a very interesting story. The story in “Laskar “Pelangi is a true story about the journey of a writer in pursuit of his dream to the french state. This story was touted to de crowded very interesting film by renowned director Riri Reza and Mira Lesmana. This novel is able to make the reader feel like drifting and brought into the story.
       The story of “laskar Pelangi” begins from the life of a boy named Ikal who start school with had to wait ten children who want to attend school. Anxiously, Ikal, Sahara, Trapani, Kucai, Syahdan, Mahar, Lintang, Borek, A Kiong, Bu Mus, Pak Harfan and their parents waited to see if there is one more person who wants to go to school in SD Muhammadiyah. When not ten children then they will not be able to attend school. Because SD Muhammmadiyah will be finished if only have students less than ten

Contoh aplication letter

0 komentar Jumat, 15 Februari 2013 - Edit entry?

HRD Manager                                                                                                Kediri, October 15, 2012

Jalan Kedoya Agave Raya Blok A1 No.1-2 Tomang Tol Raya
Dear sir,
            I have read from your advertisement on Kompas, Saturday, October 13, 2012 that your company is looking for employees to hold some position. Based on the advertisement, I am interested in applying application for IT Staff.


0 komentar Jumat, 08 Februari 2013 - Edit entry?

Associazione Calcio Milan atau AC Milan didirikan oleh dua pria berkebangsaan Inggris, Alfred Edwards dan Herbert Kilpin pada 16 Desember 1899. Saat itu klub ini bernama Milan Cricket and Football Club. Milan langsung menjadi juara Italia pada 1901. Klub yang identik dengan warna merah-hitam ini kembali menjadi yang terbaik di Italia pada 1906 dan 1907.
0 komentar Jumat, 01 Februari 2013 - Edit entry?
Ada yang mengangap pernikahan bukan suatu kewajiban, tetapi sebuah pilihan. Akan tetapi ada baiknya jika seseorang hidup berdampingan dengan pasangannya atau menikah. Hal ini karena jika dilihat dari alasan kesehatan menikah bisa mengurangi risiko serangan jantung serangan jantung secara signifikan.

Tim peneliti dari Turku University Hospital di Finlandia mengungkap kalau tidak menikah atau hidup sendiri dapat meningkatkan risiko kematian karena terserang penyakit kardiovaskular.